The Business Side of Things

5 Traits To Look For In ECM Software When Records Management Is A Priority

When it comes to investing in an enterprise content management platform for your business, it is important to know your priorities. If your priority is to focus on record management, there are certain traits you are going to want to look for.

Trait #1: Support Document Security

First, you need to ensure that the ECM supports the level of document security you need for your business. When it comes to handling documents, there may be certain government standards you have to meet if, for example, you are handling healthcare or financial paperwork. You want to make sure the ECM you choose will allow you to maintain the government and operational security necessary for your business.

Trait #2: Manage Content Retention

Second, you want to manage content retention with your system. You want to make sure that all the content is properly retained at a document level. If you have compounded documents, you will want to make sure you are able to maintain the content at an individual or section file level.

Trait #3: Rule Engine

Third, you want an ECM that will support a rules engine. You want to be able to set up rules for how content is handled within the system. You want the rules engine to work with handling distribution records, as well as archiving your records. It is important to be able to filter information to where it should go easily.

Trait #4: Audit Log

When you are handling hundreds or thousands of documents within your ECM program, you want a system that will provide you with an audit log. An audit log will allow you to track the document throughout its lifecycle and verify that all necessary actions were taken on the document.

Trait #5: Enterprise Search Engine

Fifth, you want an ECM that will support an enterprise search engine. An enterprise search engine is going to allow you to search your document database in depth. You will search for things such as tags and label that you used to describe the individual files. With the right system, you can search for keywords as well.

When it comes to purchasing an enterprise content management system for your business, and your focus is on document management, you are going to want to look for a system that supports document security, has engine filtering rules, will provide you with an audit log, and has an enterprise search engine ability.